Open Banking - An Innovation in technology, changing the game for consumer, fintech and financial institution
What Open Banking actually means? The Open Banking is an environment created to empower consumers to access, use, and benefit from their financial data. Therefore, it reveals the potential of financial data for the benefit of all. There are numerous ways to interpret the concept of open banking depending on markets and regions. Companies have experienced the power of using big data for business intelligence. Critical business decisions are made based on the data. Therefore, it is time for individuals like us and small scale firms to unlock the potential and empower us to get the most out of our own financial data. Open banking platforms empowers us through third-party platforms and apps to utilize the data for our benefit. However, the consumer has a full control of their financial data and hence they have to provide explicit consent to authorize the data access between third-party platform and financial institution. This step is usually referred to as “Consent” or “Permi...